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GTM4ward V1 Recordings


We have seven great talks available from the GTM4ward conference.

Available talks

  • Phil Pearce: GTM as a Game Changer + Future of GTM
  • Jodi Daniels: What Brands Need to Know from a Privacy Perspective
  • Julian Juenemann: 10 Things to Master GTM
  • Ritvik Sharma: Rapid Prototyping with GTM: Hacks for Immediate Impact
  • Alexander Kirtzel: Why and How to Start Implementing Tag Management at the Core
  • Marie (Mája) Remešová: Server side GTM - Cake Delivery Approach
  • Benjamin Kuehn: How to Use the GTM API to Migrate Analytics Tags in GTM to GA4 & Manage Those Tags in Bulk in GTM


GTM4ward Talks
Talks given by our Speakers for GTM4ward

  • GTM as a Game Changer + Future of GTM
  • What Brands Need to Know from a Privacy Perspective
  • 10 Things to Master GTM
  • Rapid Prototyping with GTM: Hacks for Immediate Impact
  • Why and How to Start Implementing Tag Management at the Core
  • Server side GTM – Cake Delivery Approach
  • How to Use the GTM API to Migrate Analytics Tags in GTM to GA4 & Manage Those Tags in Bulk in GTM

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Material Includes

  • Video recordings.
  • Slides of all the talks.