GA4ward MKlll

Stephane Hamel

Title: ChatGPT Unleashed!


Time: 12:10 – 13:05 (UK time)

Ralph Spandl

Title: User journey visualizations with GA4 Data.

Time: 13:15 – 13:55 (UK time)


Ahmad Kanani

Title: Dealing with GA Quotas in Looker Studio


Time: 14:00 – 14:40 (UK time)

Jim Sterne

Title: Care and Feeding of Digital Analysts

Time: 15:00 – 15:40 (UK time)


Navah Hopkins

Title: GA4 for PPCs: The What & How of what PPCs need in GA4

Time: 15:45 – 16:25 (UK time)

Phil Pearce

Title: Why you should NOT use GA4 enhanced events. What you should use instead

Time: 16:30 – 17:10 (UK time)

Matteo Zambon

Title: GA4 Secrets: best practices and technical solutions to usage and implementation problems
Time 17:15 – 17:55 (UK time)


Artem Korneev

Title: How to use DataForm with GA4 data in BigQuery to improve data freshness & reduce processing costs
Time: 18:10 – 18:50 (UK time) 


Networking Event

During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to interact with there favourite speakers in a virtual environment, network, engage in group discussions, and share their insights and experiences with one another.